view Abstract and Download Abstract : �The paper deals with analysis of linking and processing of 2 degrees of freedom for the multiple parameters controller of the rocket launcher automatic aiming system with Gyro
and GPS. In details, two control systems are compared. The first control system has two computers that the first computer gets meteorology data and target coordinate for computing azimuth and elevation angles while the second computer gets position and orientation of the rocket launcher through Gyro and GPS. After combining information from both computers, the final azimuth and elevation angles are computed and send them to set up the launcher. The second control system consists of one computer which gains all information needed to computed for the azimuth and elevation angles in order to compute the results and send them to set up the launcher as the first system. From the analysis, the results show that the second control system has better performance while considering CPU runtime and errors. Moreover, designing the system, amount of equipment and connectivity become easier than the first system. Author :�Tawiwat V., Narongkorn D., Sawitri P. Analysis of Linking and Processing.pdfLogin Required |
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