view Abstract and Download Abstract : The knowledge of internal ballistics simulation is quite obscure due to security reason related to rocket imple- mentation for national defense. Internal ballistics simulation involves complex calculation of thrust profile generated by burning solid propellant mass. The design of appropriate solid propellant mass for desired thrust profile requires visualization of propellant mass and overlook how it burns from the start to the end. Object-oriented programming has been used as a tool for simulation of complex mathematic algorithms in many fields. This paper introduced object-oriented programming framework and software architecture for solving complex calculation of thrust profile and visualization of burning solid propellant. JAVA programming language is chosen to implement a test program for proving objected-oriented programming based internal ballistics simulation. The result shows the reasonable trend of thrust profile according to the real behavior of thrust generated by solid propellant. This paper give intuitive idea of implementing simulation tool for designing of solid propellant mass in rocket application.
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